Post by David O'BrienThis film struck me as being made by a guy who had no interest at all in the
historical Arthur or even any of the myths and tales surrounding him, but
was more like some guy who had read one book on the historical Arthur and
just totally wrote his own story about him. Even given that, it was still
just total shite.
Dave Of Tasmania
Yeah, generally speaking, I'd tend to agree.... and that's from a person who
actually, for some unknown reason owns TWO copies of Molly Cochran & Warren
Murphy's "The Forever King".... LOL
Ok, I couldn't resist. Yesterday I went with my 14 year old son. Yep, it's
true.... the story has very little to do with either known history about
Arthur or the time-frame in which we know Arthur lived, or the legends. I
can tell, and I'm no expert... The beginning of the movie states that the
story is based on "new archeological evidence", but I can't seem to find out
what that might be. Are they talking about the Wall excavations? Anyway, the
Wall looked nice - very much like the recent History Channel presentation...
the concept that the Saxons haven't settled anywhere, that Vortigern didn't
exist, and that the Saxons are attacking from the north was a bit odd. Oh,
and calling the Picts "Woads" was really weird... Oh... the costumes for the
Romans and the pseudo-Romans was quite nice. Bright and shiny.
Ok, in addition to slaughtering the Arthur story, I have another bone to
pick with this thing - To me, it seems like a central point of the movie is
not so much the legend, or even Arthur-the-man, but to Christian-bash. The
movie spends a lot of time making the Christians either look like they're
out and out psychotic, or arrogant, nasty, liars, or just fuzzy little
Pelegius comes up right away. They never mention his central heresy - his
disbelief in Original Sin and his belief that grace isn't needed, that works
alone could earn a person a place in heaven. They make it sound like he's
the forerunner of the Declaration of Independence or something, preaching
"equality for all". Treatment of the Church and Christianity is horrendous,
in general. Rome, for some odd reason, is always equated with Christianity,
which is called "the Roman religion" and Christ is the "Roman god". [insert
shaking head hear.... yeesh] I recently read Stephen R. Lawhead's "Patrick",
about St. Patrick, and Lawhead not only butchered Patrick's story, but was
apparently a big fan of Pelagius as well... weird... is Pelagius the "new
thing" in the Christian bashing scene??? Does he have a fan club???
The good guys are all pagan, of course, other than Arthur, who is apparently
a fairly nominal Christian. Bors, who early on brags about the size of his
penis at the beginning of the movie, mocks the little monk who prayed, after
the ambush - he mimicking the man's folded hands and closes his eyes,
mumbling, pretending to pray, then grins and says, "Ooo! Nothing! Didn't
work!" Did they put that in just to be mean and nasty in the general
direction of people who do have some kind of faith, who do pray? Yeesh...
And why does Arthur, who is presumably Christian, and would thus be aware of
the concept of a "sacramental marriage", consent to be married by a pagan
rite? Some of the novels have dealt with the dichotomy between the two
cultures, and Arthur's need to find a balance - but it's always been handled
much better than this...
My son liked the battle scenes. They scenes had a lot of flashing swords and
he particularly liked the "ghost knights" at the end battle - they cleverly
used burning smoky tar to hide the few "good guys" behind. I was just happy
they didn't have any limbs hacked off or torture scenes a la Braveheart...
My son doesn't dwell too much on the "themes" in movies anyway, and tends to
get annoyed with me if I try and correct the history, philosophy, or
theology of a movie. He's well aware that "movies never get it right", so, I
guess I'm going to have to be content with that...
Ah well... will they EVER come up with a decent King Arthur movie? We can
only hope and dream...