Post by NYC XYZPost by Jennifer BlausteinPlease see my recently posted list of tough knights.
Ah, most appreciated, fair lady!
But it almost sounds like you're talking about TV characters...or is
there an actual list somewhere?
Who would you say was the most "cynical" or "skeptical" knight? Was
there one who was most, um, hedonistic or epicurean? Was there even
one whose bravery was questionable -- Sir Mordred, perhaps? Was there
one known to be a great ladies' man? Or were they all different merely
by feats of arms?
Most hedonistic would definitely be Sir Brues Sans Pite, whose sole mission
in life seemed to be to chase damsels that ventured into his land. He could
possibly take the cake for cowardly too, since he fled every time he
encountered a knight.
I would call Sir Palomides bravery into question, for the reasons mentioned
in my TOUGH KNIGHTS post. He was always given credit for being tough as
nails but we don't see anything to really prove that. He seemed to take
advantage of good knights that were at a disadvantage (wounded, etc.). He
was also mortal enemies with Sir Tristram, considered the greatest and
gentlest of living knights, so that might show you something. It should be
noted that he was also the only Saracen knight.
Most laughable knight - Sir Dagonet the Fool, followed closely by Le Cote
Male Taille
The most curt knight seemed to be Sir Lamerok. He spoke his mind, and had an
odd belief system. When he was accompanying a knight in the forest, the
other knight took a little nap by a well while Lamerok attended to some
business. When Lamerok returned, he saw the sleeping knight and just left
him there, stating, "I do not have fellowship with sleeping knights." In
other instances he would taunt knights that were clearly weak into fighting
with tough knights. He seemed to be a bully knight.
Sir Dynadan was a curious fellow, one of my favorites. He would always say
he was going to sit out for fights and battles, then he would end up jumping
in because he didn't want to look like a wuss, and would perform quite well.
Dynadan was also known as a knight who made many jests and was quite the
humorist. He even composed a jest about King Mark that was carried around
the country by traveling minstrels.
Pellinore was an interesting guy in that he was sworn to track the questing
beast for all his life and bring it to the ground. When he died he gave this
quest to sir palomides i believe, but I don't think palomides really cared
and you never really hear of him following the questing beast.
King Mark was by far the most cowardly and treacherous of all kings, though
I don't know if he can be technically considered a knight. Sir Lamerok and
Sir Dynadan bullied him quite a bit. He swore to kill Tristram because of
his love for Isode.
Sir Fauntleroy was one of the more feared knights because he was so violent.
He was rumored to have raped other knights after defeating them, and to
devour human flesh from a living opponent. It was never known if he ranked
among the top jousters because he never did any sport fighting, he only
fought when something insulted him or when he was on a quest.
Sir Kay was a real jokester, and often made fun of new knights. He was
somewhat like a drill sargeant, picking on the new guys. He always gave
people wild nicknames. He was also a shitty knight.