Post by patrick boydPost by Jennifer BlausteinWTF is your problem dude? I'm the only person posting anything in this NG
for the past few months, trying to keep this thing alive and you come in
here are high and mighty and tell me to have good manners? If we were
knights I would slay you on the spot.
It's not a high traffic newsgroup, that much is certainly true. But
generally it is an unusually well-mannered one.
Demanding "I want" like a greedy three year old with grubby hand
outstretched towards the cakes is unlikely to gain you the result you
desire. "Could someone please" might serve your purpose much better.
And since you are female, you would not be a knight at all, but a helpless
damsel; and the only slaying taking place would be of you by the dragon,
after passing knights ignored your rude demands for protection.
Sorry, but there it is.
-- patrick
Since I am a noblewoman, Arthur would force you to abide my adventure. And
while we rode together toward certain death (for you, as the lewd, weak
knight that you are) you would suffer under my stern rebukes. And I would
laugh as the gayest of knights, Sir Ponce De Fons the Pink Knight, drove you
to the ground, horse and man. Then I would urge the Pink Knight to make a
battle bride of you, and defile you in a most dishonorable manner. And
before he finished you off, and you were crying for a yeild, I would rebuke
you once more and cry with delight, "Off with his head."
Tis the power of being a mere "damsel"