2004-07-08 17:47:40 UTC
King Arthur - Official Movie Site
Many different theories are available as to the 'identity' of Arthur and some
brief methodological notes will be found here regarding the making of such
identifications. While these theories are interesting, they fail to address fully
one important question -- was there a historical post-Roman Arthur? Many books,
articles and web-pages simply make the a priori assumption that there has to be a
historical figure behind the Arthurian legends. Such an assumption is totally
unjustified. As anyone at all familiar with medieval literature in general will
know, the historicisation of non-historical/mythical personages -- often through
association with some important event of the past -- is not in any way an unusual
In the years of upheaval after the Roman withdrawal, Britain became an island of
small, squabbling kingdoms. Legends indicate that one Aurelius Ambrosius tried to
unite the small kingdoms against their common enemies-- the Irish, the Picts and
the Saxons. He was followed in his quest by Uther Pendragon, who is commonly held
to be the father of Arthur.
Prior to this, however, was the business of Vortigern. It was he who supposedly
invited the Saxons into Britain, to aid in repelling the invasions of the Picts.
However, when Vortigern's people (and most notably his sons) objected to the
presence of the Saxons, and saw how Vortigern favored them over his own people,
they attempted to expel the Saxons. Hengist and Horsa, the Saxon leaders,
objected. Fighting broke out. Vortigern tried to make a peace, but at a
peace-making meeting, Hengist and his Saxons pulled daggers from their boots and
turned on the unarmed Briton lords and petty kings, and slew them all. At this
point, Vortigern either conceded his lands to Hengist in exchange for his life,
or was allowed to live with the horror of what he had wrought-- either way,
Vortigern was spared and set free and fled to Wales.
"There he assembled stonemasons from different parts of the country and ordered
them to build a tower for him. The masons gathered and began to lay the
foundations of their tower. However much they built one day the earth swallowed
up the next, in such a way that they had no idea where their work had vanished
to." (Geoffrey of Monmouth 166)
Vortigern consulted his magicians, and they told him he should find a boy without
a father, and kill him and incorporate his bones and blood into the foundations
of the castle. Vortigern sent out messengers, who "came to a town which was
afterwards called Kaermerdin and there they saw some lads playing by the town
gate.... a sudden quarrel broke out between the two lads, whose names were Merlin
and Dinabutius. As they argued, Dinabutius said to Merlin: '...How can we two be
equal in skill? I myself am of royal blood on both sides of my family. As for
you, nobody knows who you are, for you never had a father!'" (Geoffrey of
Monmouth 167). Having found what they sought, the messengers dragged the boy back
with them to Vortigern.
Charge Given to the Knights by King Arthur
God make you a good man and fail not of beauty. The Round Table was founded in
patience, humility, and meekness.Thou art never to do outrageousity, nor murder,
and always to flee treason, by no means to be cruel, and always to do ladies,
damosels, and gentle women succour. Also, to take no battles in a wrongful
quarrel for no law nor for no world's goods.
Thous shouldst be for all ladies and fight for their quarrels, and ever be
courteous and never refuse mercy to him that asketh mercy, for a knight that is
courteous and kind and gentle has favor in every place. Thou shouldst never hold
a lady or gentle woman against her will.
Thou must keep thy word to all and not be feeble of good believeth and faith.
Right must be defended against might and distress must be protected. Thou must
know good from evil and the vain glory of the world, because great pride and
bobauce maketh great sorrow. Should anyone require ye of any quest so that it is
not to thy shame, thou shouldst fulfil the desire.
Ever it is a worshipful knights deed to help another worshipful knight when he
seeth him a great danger, for ever a worshipful man should loath to see a
worshipful man shamed, for it is only he that is of no worship and who faireth
with cowardice that shall never show gentelness or no manner of goodness where he
seeth a man in any danger, but always a good man will do another man as he would
have done to himself.
It should never be said that a small brother has injured or slain another
brother. Thou shouldst not fail in these things: charity, abstinence and truth.
No knight shall win worship but if he be of worship himself and of good living
and that loveth God and dreadeth God then else he geteth no worship here be ever
so hardly.
An envious knight shall never win worship for and envious man wants to win
worship he shall be dishonoured twice therefore without any, and for this cause
all men of worship hate an envious man and will show him no favour.
Do not, nor slay not, anything that will in any way dishonour the fair name of
Christian knighthood for only by stainless and honourable lives and not by
prowess and courage shall the final goal be reached. Therefore be a good knight
and so I pray to God so ye may be, and if ye be of prowess and of worthiness then
ye shall be a Knight of the Table Round.
The mystery of the Holy Grail is such that it captivates those who hear of it. It
has been a source of mystery down through the ages.Those who would search it out
for its truths will always be touched by the knowlege that the search brings with
it. It remains the most widely accepted myth of all times, and with small wonder
when the mere thought that this vessel was used by Jesus at the Last Supper, and
touched the lips of Christ and all those who shared the cup with him brings the
light of faith rushing into our heart and mind. The pupose of this page will be
to endeavor to make it easier for all those who are looking for material on the
Holy Grail, by bringing some of these myths in a synopsis form, with the source
listed so that any who care to may research further into the mystery. This page
is dedicated to all those who have brought further light on this sacred subject.
Let us remember the material which is discussed here came from times and cultures
which have been separated from us by many year. As was the case of many early
cultures the story teller was responsible for passing on the tales from one
generation to the next and as such those events which were unwritten from those
early times became myths. Some civilizations were more advanced and used the
written word or heiroglyphics and as such the events which were thus recorded
were of historical importance. In tracing the path of the grail Joseph takes the
cup from a society whose written record exists today to a society where if there
was written historical facts on the grail it did not survive to the present. Such
is a myth, the absence of historical proof. Remember then these few points.
Christ was born, crucified, and the grail which he used was given to Joseph of
Arimathea. This is fact which is written. Then Joseph travels to present day
England with the grail, and here the myth begins due to lack of written records.
Here perhaps is where the true faith of the beliver comes into focus. Do you
believe in Christ, Do you believe in life everlasting, you need to answer these
and the other questions symbolically presented to us by the Life and Death of
Christ and the chalice which he directed us to drink from. Your choice !
It is written that after the last supper. the events of history found Christ
being tried, and then crucified. A man known as Joseph of Arimathea received
permission from Pontius Pilate to take the body of Christ to his own tomb for
burial. Joseph of Arimathea was said to have also acquired the sacred cup that
Jesus touched to his lips at the last supper. Joseph is said to have gathered the
blood of the fallen Christ in that same chalice. The cup was taken by Joseph of
Arimathea to what is now Great Britain and it remained in his possesion until he
died, where it was handed down to succeeding generations of his family. One of
Joseph's descendants became theFisher King,one became a hermit. According to how
you read the "myth" There was at least one more generation. Exactly at what point
in time the Knights Templar acquired possession of the Holy Grail and the final
resting place can only be speculative as there are so many paths the grail could
have taken. Some believe it to be in the Chalice Well in Glastonbury put there by
Joseph of Arimathea. Others feel it may have been taken to Nova Scotia in 1398.
Where is it?
"This is the cup of my blood. It shall be shed for you and for all, so that sins
may be forgiven"
For centuries most historians believed that King Arthur was only a legend, but
that legend was based on a real hero whose actions changed the face of Britain
and the world forever.
Like his loyal Knights, Arthur (Clive Owen) sees only chaos and devastation will
follow Rome's final pullout of Britain. Although as a dedicated Christian he is
desperate to return to Rome to influence the budding religion, his first loyalty
is to his pagan Knights. Arthur sees his duty is to free them from their
servitude to Rome so they may return to their ancestral homeland in Sarmatia.
However, before he can, he must lead his Knights of the Round Table on one last
mission, deep into enemy territory on a quest of adventure and profound
enlightenment. Here, Arthur, Lancelot (Ioan Gruffudd), Galahad (Hugh Dancy), Bors
(Ray Winstone), Tristan, Dagonet and Gawain are forced to confront their
traditional enemy: Merlin and his indigenous guerilla armies. Disdainfully called
'Woads' by the Knights for the Woad plant they use to dye their bodies, Arthur
and his Knights will see these guerillas are the soul of Britain, devastated by
generations of Roman rule. Now, with Rome gone, and without the help of Arthur
and his knights, the invading Saxons will roll over the people like an avalanche.
Under the guidance of former enemy Merlin (Stephen Dillane) and the beautiful,
courageous Guinevere (Keira Knightley), Arthur will struggle to find the strength
to forsake his dreams of Rome to 'become a leader in this land,' and to change
the face of history.
Many different theories are available as to the 'identity' of Arthur and some
brief methodological notes will be found here regarding the making of such
identifications. While these theories are interesting, they fail to address fully
one important question -- was there a historical post-Roman Arthur? Many books,
articles and web-pages simply make the a priori assumption that there has to be a
historical figure behind the Arthurian legends. Such an assumption is totally
unjustified. As anyone at all familiar with medieval literature in general will
know, the historicisation of non-historical/mythical personages -- often through
association with some important event of the past -- is not in any way an unusual
In the years of upheaval after the Roman withdrawal, Britain became an island of
small, squabbling kingdoms. Legends indicate that one Aurelius Ambrosius tried to
unite the small kingdoms against their common enemies-- the Irish, the Picts and
the Saxons. He was followed in his quest by Uther Pendragon, who is commonly held
to be the father of Arthur.
Prior to this, however, was the business of Vortigern. It was he who supposedly
invited the Saxons into Britain, to aid in repelling the invasions of the Picts.
However, when Vortigern's people (and most notably his sons) objected to the
presence of the Saxons, and saw how Vortigern favored them over his own people,
they attempted to expel the Saxons. Hengist and Horsa, the Saxon leaders,
objected. Fighting broke out. Vortigern tried to make a peace, but at a
peace-making meeting, Hengist and his Saxons pulled daggers from their boots and
turned on the unarmed Briton lords and petty kings, and slew them all. At this
point, Vortigern either conceded his lands to Hengist in exchange for his life,
or was allowed to live with the horror of what he had wrought-- either way,
Vortigern was spared and set free and fled to Wales.
"There he assembled stonemasons from different parts of the country and ordered
them to build a tower for him. The masons gathered and began to lay the
foundations of their tower. However much they built one day the earth swallowed
up the next, in such a way that they had no idea where their work had vanished
to." (Geoffrey of Monmouth 166)
Vortigern consulted his magicians, and they told him he should find a boy without
a father, and kill him and incorporate his bones and blood into the foundations
of the castle. Vortigern sent out messengers, who "came to a town which was
afterwards called Kaermerdin and there they saw some lads playing by the town
gate.... a sudden quarrel broke out between the two lads, whose names were Merlin
and Dinabutius. As they argued, Dinabutius said to Merlin: '...How can we two be
equal in skill? I myself am of royal blood on both sides of my family. As for
you, nobody knows who you are, for you never had a father!'" (Geoffrey of
Monmouth 167). Having found what they sought, the messengers dragged the boy back
with them to Vortigern.
Charge Given to the Knights by King Arthur
God make you a good man and fail not of beauty. The Round Table was founded in
patience, humility, and meekness.Thou art never to do outrageousity, nor murder,
and always to flee treason, by no means to be cruel, and always to do ladies,
damosels, and gentle women succour. Also, to take no battles in a wrongful
quarrel for no law nor for no world's goods.
Thous shouldst be for all ladies and fight for their quarrels, and ever be
courteous and never refuse mercy to him that asketh mercy, for a knight that is
courteous and kind and gentle has favor in every place. Thou shouldst never hold
a lady or gentle woman against her will.
Thou must keep thy word to all and not be feeble of good believeth and faith.
Right must be defended against might and distress must be protected. Thou must
know good from evil and the vain glory of the world, because great pride and
bobauce maketh great sorrow. Should anyone require ye of any quest so that it is
not to thy shame, thou shouldst fulfil the desire.
Ever it is a worshipful knights deed to help another worshipful knight when he
seeth him a great danger, for ever a worshipful man should loath to see a
worshipful man shamed, for it is only he that is of no worship and who faireth
with cowardice that shall never show gentelness or no manner of goodness where he
seeth a man in any danger, but always a good man will do another man as he would
have done to himself.
It should never be said that a small brother has injured or slain another
brother. Thou shouldst not fail in these things: charity, abstinence and truth.
No knight shall win worship but if he be of worship himself and of good living
and that loveth God and dreadeth God then else he geteth no worship here be ever
so hardly.
An envious knight shall never win worship for and envious man wants to win
worship he shall be dishonoured twice therefore without any, and for this cause
all men of worship hate an envious man and will show him no favour.
Do not, nor slay not, anything that will in any way dishonour the fair name of
Christian knighthood for only by stainless and honourable lives and not by
prowess and courage shall the final goal be reached. Therefore be a good knight
and so I pray to God so ye may be, and if ye be of prowess and of worthiness then
ye shall be a Knight of the Table Round.
The mystery of the Holy Grail is such that it captivates those who hear of it. It
has been a source of mystery down through the ages.Those who would search it out
for its truths will always be touched by the knowlege that the search brings with
it. It remains the most widely accepted myth of all times, and with small wonder
when the mere thought that this vessel was used by Jesus at the Last Supper, and
touched the lips of Christ and all those who shared the cup with him brings the
light of faith rushing into our heart and mind. The pupose of this page will be
to endeavor to make it easier for all those who are looking for material on the
Holy Grail, by bringing some of these myths in a synopsis form, with the source
listed so that any who care to may research further into the mystery. This page
is dedicated to all those who have brought further light on this sacred subject.
Let us remember the material which is discussed here came from times and cultures
which have been separated from us by many year. As was the case of many early
cultures the story teller was responsible for passing on the tales from one
generation to the next and as such those events which were unwritten from those
early times became myths. Some civilizations were more advanced and used the
written word or heiroglyphics and as such the events which were thus recorded
were of historical importance. In tracing the path of the grail Joseph takes the
cup from a society whose written record exists today to a society where if there
was written historical facts on the grail it did not survive to the present. Such
is a myth, the absence of historical proof. Remember then these few points.
Christ was born, crucified, and the grail which he used was given to Joseph of
Arimathea. This is fact which is written. Then Joseph travels to present day
England with the grail, and here the myth begins due to lack of written records.
Here perhaps is where the true faith of the beliver comes into focus. Do you
believe in Christ, Do you believe in life everlasting, you need to answer these
and the other questions symbolically presented to us by the Life and Death of
Christ and the chalice which he directed us to drink from. Your choice !
It is written that after the last supper. the events of history found Christ
being tried, and then crucified. A man known as Joseph of Arimathea received
permission from Pontius Pilate to take the body of Christ to his own tomb for
burial. Joseph of Arimathea was said to have also acquired the sacred cup that
Jesus touched to his lips at the last supper. Joseph is said to have gathered the
blood of the fallen Christ in that same chalice. The cup was taken by Joseph of
Arimathea to what is now Great Britain and it remained in his possesion until he
died, where it was handed down to succeeding generations of his family. One of
Joseph's descendants became theFisher King,one became a hermit. According to how
you read the "myth" There was at least one more generation. Exactly at what point
in time the Knights Templar acquired possession of the Holy Grail and the final
resting place can only be speculative as there are so many paths the grail could
have taken. Some believe it to be in the Chalice Well in Glastonbury put there by
Joseph of Arimathea. Others feel it may have been taken to Nova Scotia in 1398.
Where is it?
"This is the cup of my blood. It shall be shed for you and for all, so that sins
may be forgiven"
For centuries most historians believed that King Arthur was only a legend, but
that legend was based on a real hero whose actions changed the face of Britain
and the world forever.
Like his loyal Knights, Arthur (Clive Owen) sees only chaos and devastation will
follow Rome's final pullout of Britain. Although as a dedicated Christian he is
desperate to return to Rome to influence the budding religion, his first loyalty
is to his pagan Knights. Arthur sees his duty is to free them from their
servitude to Rome so they may return to their ancestral homeland in Sarmatia.
However, before he can, he must lead his Knights of the Round Table on one last
mission, deep into enemy territory on a quest of adventure and profound
enlightenment. Here, Arthur, Lancelot (Ioan Gruffudd), Galahad (Hugh Dancy), Bors
(Ray Winstone), Tristan, Dagonet and Gawain are forced to confront their
traditional enemy: Merlin and his indigenous guerilla armies. Disdainfully called
'Woads' by the Knights for the Woad plant they use to dye their bodies, Arthur
and his Knights will see these guerillas are the soul of Britain, devastated by
generations of Roman rule. Now, with Rome gone, and without the help of Arthur
and his knights, the invading Saxons will roll over the people like an avalanche.
Under the guidance of former enemy Merlin (Stephen Dillane) and the beautiful,
courageous Guinevere (Keira Knightley), Arthur will struggle to find the strength
to forsake his dreams of Rome to 'become a leader in this land,' and to change
the face of history.