On Tue, 7 Jun 2005 11:17:48 +0100, Neil Fernandez
Post by Neil FernandezIn Bauduin Butor's version, is Ivoine the ward/foster-daughter of
Archbishop Guithelinus?
David Blanchard at http://www.mythiccrossroads.com/Genealogy/2.html
gives Uther's mother as 'Ivoire'. He cites David Ford's site as his
source. I don't know where the latter gets it from.
I had a quick flip round to see if I could find a source. The best I could
come across was:
Coghlan, Ronan
Element Books Shaftesbury, Dorset 1991
(which may have a note of its own sources?)
This is cited by Celtic Grounds at
for stating that Ivoire was:
<The sister of Ban who married King Constantine of Britain. They had three
children: Ivoine (Constans), Pandragon (Ambrosius) and Uther. # 156>
and of Ivoine:
<The original name, in French romance, of Moine (Constans). # 156>
with #156 appearing to refer to Coughlan's 'Encylopaedia of Arthurian
Legends'. So, is anyone here able to do a look-up to see if he gives his
Kind regards
Malcolm Martin
London, UK