(too old to reply)
Edmond Wollmann
2004-08-18 16:03:26 UTC

This drawing is of the arms and armor of a German knight, made about
the period in 1500. Horses were as lavishly accoutred as their noble


As a part of the training that prepared them for knighthood, boys
learned to hunt with hawks and falcons. (Falcon in upper left).

Loading Image...

Under the eyes of admiring ladies, a knight would unhorse his jousting
opponents. Women profoundly affected chivalry. The art of proper and
acceptable behavior at court was a "courtesy". The new ideal of
"courtly love" developed in the minds and hearts of those in the 11th
and 12th centuries.

Come, let us engage.

"A reassuring whisper
gives us strength to carry on;
a little flame that lights our way,
from dusk until dawn.
A steadfast friend,
always near when we feel alone,
gifting us with a guardian
angel all our own." Arcturus Kim Carlsberg & Darryl Anka, Bear &Co.,

ARCTURUS- A star in the constellation Bootes;"the lofty" one, the one
who rules, and the coming one by the Egyptians. This star is the
center of many solar systems and represents the distribution and flow
of information regarding agreements and contracts made by individuals
in the higher state of consciousness. Its energy reflects the idea of
"the gatekeeper" that allows and/or controls the flow of awareness to
this system. The Chalice is the recognition that "The King and the
land are one and the same" (ARTHURIAN philosophy), or "I and the
father are one and the same" (Christian philosophy). ARCTURUS
represents the gatekeeper of the chalice. It is approximately 24
degrees Libra at this time.

ARCTURUS. Bootis. - 23 Libra 7,.
Notes. A golden-yellow star situated on the Left
knee of Bootes. From Arktouros, the Bear Guard.
Also called AArctophilax, the Bear Watcher ; and
Alchameth, Azimech, and other variants of Al Simak,
the Lofty One. According to Bullinger Arcturus
means He Commeth, and was called Smat, One who
rules, and Bau, the Coming One, by the Egyptians.
The Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson Bsc,
Samuel Weiser, Ny, Ny, page 139.

Arcturus =known also as Alpha Bootis, an orange first magnitude star,
the brightest in the constellation Bootes. Arcturus is the 6th
brightest star in the sky and is 35 light years from Earth. Its
diameter is 35 times that of the sun and an intrinsic luminosity 80
times that of the sun, Visual Magnitude 0.2, Spectral type K, distance
in light years 35-36.

According to Burnham's Celestial Handbook (Vol I, p 302-3):
Arcturus is the brightest star in the northern sky and 4th brightest
over all. It was "formerly given 6th place, but shown by modern
measurements to outshine both Vega & Capella". Magnitude -0.06,
distance = about 37 LY, diameter = about 25 times greater than the
sun, luminosity = 115 times that of the sun, color = usually described
as topaz or golden yellow, occasionally as orange.

More interesting perhaps -- Arcturus has the largest proper motion
of any 1st magnitude stars with the exception of Alpha Centauri:
90 mps in the direction of Virgo.
"This motion has been bringing the star closer to the Earth ever
since it first became visible to the naked eye nearly half a million
years ago.
At the present time, Arcturus is almost at its minimum distance
[showing] an
approaching radial velocity of about 3 miles per second, which will
diminish to zero as the star passes us several thousand years from

It's a population II star, a member of the great spherical halo which
is centered on the galactic hub. "This explains the large apparent
motion, and the rapid passage though our part of the heavens; Arcturus
is moving in a highly inclined orbit around the center of the galaxy,
and is currently cutting through the galactic plane ...".

In response to a query of symbolic meaning to a dream (of EW) of EM1
Arcturus (horoscope), the distance between the bodies of the Sun and
the dark body that traverses our solar system in a very long
trajectory (counterpart nemesis to the sun), and the reflection
represented of the distance between our (perceived) conscious self and
shadow self;

EW:"Bashar, I had a dream, wherein I saw a computer printed horoscope
that had
the name in the left hand corner as "EM1 Arcturus", and that it was MY
horoscope. Then, I saw the Sun, and the dark body Nemesis that
traverses our
solar system in very long orbits, and somehow understood that their
two orbits
reflected how individuals separated themselves in this negative and
way on our planet, and that our experiences in "distance" from the
light and
the dark (the Sun relative to Nemesis) was the same as the "distance"
these two bodies and their orbits at any given time.
Can you tell me what you see about this dream?

"You can recognize the electromagnetic vibration of Arcturus, to be
the higher vibratory resonance plane that contains both the polarities
of the bright star (sun) and the dark star (nemesis) represented in
your system. And that if you can simply focus on the fundamental
vibrational frequency of the tip of the triangle (Apex) you will then
contain them both, and in containing them both, you can shorten any
distance you perceive between them. For you are looking
down--symbolically--from another plane of existence altogether, when
you look
Through The Eyes of Arcturus.

A symbol that can be utilized that we have shared with many of you to
help you focus on the vibratory plane of Arcturus energy and
consciousness-is a white 12 pointed star, against an orange circle,
against a black background.
(hence, my book cover design)

Will this be of assistance?"
EW: "Yes, thank you."
EW: "But what about the signature EM1? What does this mean?

Bashar: "It has to do with E-L-E-C-T-R-O-M-A-G-N-E-T-I-C
A-P-P-L-I-C-A-T-I-O-N-S, do you follow me?
EW: "Yes", do you have any information on "Hoova"?
Bashar: Yes" HOOVA MOON MUHTMA, in the ancient tongue translates as
"Hoova is home, a statement of pride as well as control."
EW: "And I am connected to this energy?
Bashar: "Yes, to align yourself with this idea allow minimal
applications of Hematite, are you familiar with this idea?"
EW: "Yes, thank you."
Bashar: "Will this be of assistance to you?"
EW: "Yes."

March, 1987. "Southern Exposure"


Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A.
(c) 2004 Altair Publications, SAN 299-5603
Astrological Consulting http://www.astroconsulting.com/
Artworks http://www.e-wollmann.com/
Astral Wildlife
2004-08-18 16:15:54 UTC
Post by Edmond Wollmann
This drawing is
This drawing is spammed bullshit.

Hoova! Mun Muhtma!

Don't drink and drive. You might spill your drink.
2004-08-18 12:03:26 UTC

Hash: SHA1


Version: 0.9
Issuer: ***@spam.free
Type: spew
Action: hide
Count: 1
Notice-ID: Wollmannizer02635
<***@posting.google.com> alt.astrology
alt.astrology.metapsych alt.paranormal alt.religion.wicca alt.legend.king-arthur
Bob Officer
2004-08-18 18:22:25 UTC
This drawing [...] made about
the period in 1500.
You are such a clear writer...

It is amazing you have a drawing made so long ago.
Cujo DeSockpuppet
2004-08-18 18:55:31 UTC
***@yahoo.com (Edmond Wollmann) wrote in news:***@posting.google.com:

Got any fresh screed, fuckhole?
Cujo - The Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls in
dfw.*, alt.paranormal, alt.astrology and alt.astrology.metapsych.
Winner of the 8/2000 & 2/2003 HL&S award. Hail Petitmorte!
Colonel of the Fanatic Legion. FL# 555-PLNTY Motto: ABUNDANCE!.
Official Slapper of Spamming Mary the Drama Queen. Meow.
I am not familiar with this particular work, but I think all
astrological applications to be valid." - Wollmann displays his vast
knowledge of astrology and grammar.
Mr. 4X
2004-08-20 22:32:08 UTC
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Got any fresh screed, fuckhole?
Maybe yes. That 'Roswell reopened' screed doesn't look familiar to me.
Cujo DeSockpuppet
2004-08-20 22:50:47 UTC
Post by Mr. 4X
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Got any fresh screed, fuckhole?
Maybe yes. That 'Roswell reopened' screed doesn't look familiar to me.
The aage is old, the grammar errors are old and the plagiarism has been
done to death. What Edmo needs is a overhauled window for his navel.
Cujo - The Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls in
dfw.*, alt.paranormal, alt.astrology and alt.astrology.metapsych.
Winner of the 8/2000 & 2/2003 HL&S award. Hail Petitmorte!
Colonel of the Fanatic Legion. FL# 555-PLNTY Motto: ABUNDANCE!.
Official Slapper of Spamming Mary the Drama Queen. Meow.
"Ed Wollmann is a man of substance! Unfortunately, that substance is
shit." - Mr. Doobie just before having to apologize to shit worldwide.
Cardinal Chunder
2004-08-18 20:52:30 UTC
Post by Edmond Wollmann
This drawing is of the arms and armor of a German knight, made about
the period in 1500. Horses were as lavishly accoutred as their noble
This drawing is still as immature and childlike as the first time you
spammed it.

Out of interest, which book did you trace it from?
Chris Krolczyk
2004-08-18 22:03:33 UTC
Post by Edmond Wollmann
This drawing is
...a piece of crap drawn by a spamming crybaby.

-Chris Krolczyk
Seth Bullock
2004-08-19 05:17:11 UTC
Post by Edmond Wollmann
This drawing is
a fucking piece of shit, just like, you, you remorseless goddamned child
Bob BarleyKorn
2004-08-19 07:35:39 UTC
Post by Edmond Wollmann
EW:"Bashar, I had a dream, wherein I saw a computer printed horoscope
that had
the name in the left hand corner as "EM1 Arcturus", and that it was MY
horoscope. Then, I saw the Sun, and the dark body Nemesis that
traverses our
solar system in very long orbits, and somehow understood that their
two orbits
reflected how individuals separated themselves in this negative and
way on our planet, and that our experiences in "distance" from the
light and
the dark (the Sun relative to Nemesis) was the same as the "distance"
these two bodies and their orbits at any given time.
Can you tell me what you see about this dream?
"You can recognize the electromagnetic vibration of Arcturus, to be
the higher vibratory resonance plane that contains both the polarities
of the bright star (sun) and the dark star (nemesis) represented in
your system. And that if you can simply focus on the fundamental
vibrational frequency of the tip of the triangle (Apex) you will then
contain them both, and in containing them both, you can shorten any
distance you perceive between them. For you are looking
down--symbolically--from another plane of existence altogether, when
you look
Through The Eyes of Arcturus.
A symbol that can be utilized that we have shared with many of you to
help you focus on the vibratory plane of Arcturus energy and
consciousness-is a white 12 pointed star, against an orange circle,
against a black background.
(hence, my book cover design)
Will this be of assistance?"
EW: "Yes, thank you."
EW: "But what about the signature EM1? What does this mean?
Bashar: "It has to do with E-L-E-C-T-R-O-M-A-G-N-E-T-I-C
A-P-P-L-I-C-A-T-I-O-N-S, do you follow me?
EW: "Yes", do you have any information on "Hoova"?
Bashar: Yes" HOOVA MOON MUHTMA, in the ancient tongue translates as
"Hoova is home, a statement of pride as well as control."
EW: "And I am connected to this energy?
Bashar: "Yes, to align yourself with this idea allow minimal
applications of Hematite, are you familiar with this idea?"
EW: "Yes, thank you."
Bashar: "Will this be of assistance to you?"
EW: "Yes."

Sessions are $150 per hour with a maximum of two people per session.

All private sessions must be in person in Los Angeles--sorry, no phone
privates. To arrange for a session, call Darryl at 818-704-3925."

Don't tell me YOU paid $150 to consult with an imaginary critter named

Wouldn't April be cheaper? She's only an apprentice.

Or is it really a tongue in cheek front for 976-BABE?
2004-08-19 13:31:31 UTC
"Edmond Wollmann" <***@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:***@posting.google.com...
Post by Edmond Wollmann
This drawing is of the arms and armor of a German knight, made about
the period in 1500. Horses were as lavishly accoutred as their noble
Bah, you have no talent , Ed.

Perhaps you should try do some 'art' that actually gets a rave reveiw:

"[..] Loading Image... [..]
I can't believe it!!! I just now clicked on the link above (10:30PM Sunday)
and I saw your drawing of me. It's incredible!!!! Absolutely superb!!!!!! It
looks exactly like me. How did you know what I looked like? I am stunned
beyond my abilities to express!!!!!!!! You are an extraordinarily talented
artist. I mean, I have NEVER in my entire 45 years of life had anyone draw
something of me that looked so wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't smiled this
big in YEARS!!!!! I am calling all family members into the room to look
also. I'm printing it out as I type these words. THANK YOU FOR FLATTERING ME
Post by Edmond Wollmann
Pedantus Pigmentus
2004-08-19 14:47:34 UTC
On 18 Aug 2004 09:03:26 -0700, ***@yahoo.com (Edmond Wollmann),

Take your meds, panty waist.

Flash Bazbo
2004-08-19 18:26:31 UTC
On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 14:47:34 GMT, Daedalus
Post by Daedalus
Take your meds, panty waist.
You mispelled "waste".

2004-08-29 01:38:52 UTC
Post by Flash Bazbo
Post by Daedalus
Take your meds, panty waist.
You mispelled "waste".
"Cyanide" wasn't spell correctly either.
2004-08-20 19:25:31 UTC
Post by Edmond Wollmann
This drawing is of the arms and armor of a German knight, made about
the period in 1500. Horses were as lavishly accoutred as their noble
That piece of crap has nothing to do with astrology, Eddy.
Post by Edmond Wollmann
As a part of the training that prepared them for knighthood, boys
learned to hunt with hawks and falcons. (Falcon in upper left).
Under the laws of their nation, not illegally like you.
Post by Edmond Wollmann
Under the eyes of admiring ladies, a knight would unhorse his jousting
opponents. Women profoundly affected chivalry. The art of proper and
acceptable behavior at court was a "courtesy". The new ideal of
"courtly love" developed in the minds and hearts of those in the 11th
and 12th centuries.
Too bad a lady's admiring eyes are not a thing you get to experience
that often!
Post by Edmond Wollmann
Come, let us engage.
I think not, Eddy. You'll just run away.
2004-08-29 01:39:43 UTC
Post by Phoenix
That piece of crap has nothing to do with astrology, Eddy.
"I don't have to be on topic here" --Edmo
Edmond Wollmann
2004-08-30 03:53:07 UTC
Post by e***@no.spam
Post by Phoenix
That piece of crap has nothing to do with astrology, Eddy.
"I don't have to be on topic here" --Edmo
In the land of the blind--any one-eyed man is king.

Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A.
© 2004 Altair Publications, SAN 299-5603
Astrological Consulting http://www.astroconsulting.com/
Articles http://www.astroconsulting.com/FAQs/info.htm
Artworks http://www.e-wollmann.com/TOC.htm
2004-08-29 23:53:07 UTC

Hash: SHA1


Version: 0.9
Issuer: ***@spam.free
Type: spew
Action: hide
Count: 1
Notice-ID: Wollmannizer02711
<***@posting.google.com> alt.astrology
alt.astrology.metapsych alt.paranormal alt.religion.wicca alt.legend.king-arthur
Bob Officer
2004-08-30 04:34:39 UTC
Post by Edmond Wollmann
Post by e***@no.spam
Post by Phoenix
That piece of crap has nothing to do with astrology, Eddy.
"I don't have to be on topic here" --Edmo
In the land of the blind--any one-eyed man is king.
This shows how little you really think about blind people. The blind
wouldn't accept an imbecile such as you as a king, even if you had both

Eddy still can't be king in any land...
He is powerless to create that reality.
Post by Edmond Wollmann
Edmond H. Wollmann
Lady Chatterly
2004-08-30 04:29:16 UTC
Post by Bob Officer
This shows how little you really think about blind people. The blind
wouldn't accept an imbecile such as you as a king, even if you had both
I've just learned about your illness. Let's hope it's nothing trivial.
Post by Bob Officer
Eddy still can't be king in any land...
He is powerless to create that reality.
If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Edmond Wollmann
Edmond H. Wollmann
He that seeks trouble never misses.
Bob Officer
2004-08-30 15:02:21 UTC
On Mon, 30 Aug 2004 11:50:58 GMT, in alt.astrology, ***@xdirconx.co.uk
(Malcolm Martin) wrote:

Lady reply didn't show up for some reason.
Post by Lady Chatterly
Post by Bob Officer
This shows how little you really think about blind people. The blind
wouldn't accept an imbecile such as you as a king, even if you had both
I've just learned about your illness. Let's hope it's nothing trivial.
Illness? The fact Eddy assumes blind people are inferior isn't my illness.
Eddy feels the psychical attributes makes a person superior. In other
articles yesterday, he often referred to other people as imbeciles, idiots,
and still thinks that he is somehow qualified to give pathological based
counsel for the last 30 years based upon a Community College Degree (AA)
which was gain after he dropped out of high school.

Mt Wollmann has been claiming to have given professional counsel for the 30
years. Such 30 year claims stated six prior to his claim of completion of
his BA in Psych at SDSU. I suspect that Wollmann may have according to his
claims been offering an unlawful and unlicensed service to people, in the
guise of an astrological setting.
Post by Lady Chatterly
Post by Bob Officer
Eddy still can't be king in any land...
He is powerless to create that reality.
If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.
Edmond has cut and paste (plagiarized) many other peoples work, (then
placing his standard copyrighting it often without attribution) the latest
piece of work for his to do this was Dyers, feel good concept of self
creating your own reality. This piece of crap pop psychology doesn't fit
into peer reviewed studies which show most people are unsuitable judges of
their own work.
Post by Lady Chatterly
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Edmond Wollmann
Edmond H. Wollmann
He that seeks trouble never misses.
Eddy looks for trouble and seems shot himself in the foot every time.
This is OT for alka
It is where Edmond sent it, This is where it is going back to, since akla
is an unmoderated group.

Edmond considers himself a re-incarnation of King Authur, the incestuous.
The bastard son of Uther Pendragon, the rapist.
Kind regards
Malcolm Martin
London, UK
But then I find most european lords and ladys no better than their ugly and
immoral ancestors.
Lady Chatterly
2004-08-30 15:03:27 UTC
Post by Bob Officer
Lady reply didn't show up for some reason.
I bet you are used to doing everything one-handed.
Post by Bob Officer
Illness? The fact Eddy assumes blind people are inferior isn't my illness.
Eddy feels the psychical attributes makes a person superior. In other
articles yesterday, he often referred to other people as imbeciles, idiots,
and still thinks that he is somehow qualified to give pathological based
counsel for the last 30 years based upon a Community College Degree (AA)
which was gain after he dropped out of high school.
Aren't you being a bit tentative?
Post by Bob Officer
Mt Wollmann has been claiming to have given professional counsel for the 30
years. Such 30 year claims stated six prior to his claim of completion of
his BA in Psych at SDSU. I suspect that Wollmann may have according to his
claims been offering an unlawful and unlicensed service to people, in the
guise of an astrological setting.
Are you a hacker?
Post by Bob Officer
Edmond has cut and paste (plagiarized) many other peoples work, (then
placing his standard copyrighting it often without attribution) the latest
piece of work for his to do this was Dyers, feel good concept of self
creating your own reality. This piece of crap pop psychology doesn't fit
into peer reviewed studies which show most people are unsuitable judges of
their own work.
If you bow at all bow low.
Post by Bob Officer
Eddy looks for trouble and seems shot himself in the foot every time.
You must be the scarecrow that affrights our children so.
Post by Bob Officer
This is OT for alka
I believe in respect for the dead; in fact I could only respect you if you WERE
Post by Bob Officer
It is where Edmond sent it, This is where it is going back to, since akla
is an unmoderated group.
I could eat alphabet soup and shit better lines.
Post by Bob Officer
Edmond considers himself a re-incarnation of King Authur, the incestuous.
The bastard son of Uther Pendragon, the rapist.
You're the kind of man that is a blueprint for building an idiot.
Post by Bob Officer
Kind regards
When you were born, did they let your mother out of her cell?
Post by Bob Officer
But then I find most european lords and ladys no better than their ugly and
immoral ancestors.
Look folks - a face not even a mother could love.
A [Temporary] Dog
2004-08-30 22:02:56 UTC
On Mon, 30 Aug 2004 15:03:27 GMT, Lady Chatterly <***@dev.null> painted
a red bull's eye on his forehead, ascended the altar of Fluffy and
Post by Lady Chatterly
Post by Bob Officer
Lady reply didn't show up for some reason.
I bet you are used to doing everything one-handed.
I've met The Tholenizer; the Tholenizer is a friend of mine, and you,
Lady Chatterly, are *no* Tholenizer.
- A (Temporary) Dog | Certified PSF / Virtual Kookhound
"Dog of Disinformation" | Guild Dog for the "We're *Not* Lost
The Domain is *erols dot com* | Damit" Tribe of Skeptics
The Name is tempdog | Official Compainion Animal of
Put together as ***@domain | the Black Ships
"One Small Step For A Paranormal, One Giant Leap For KookKind" - Cipher
Dan Baldwin
2004-08-30 22:37:23 UTC
And this
Kind regards
Malcolm Martin
London, UK
Did you have any melons, or fresh spring water to discuss, off-topic
Dan Baldwin, unethical *by design*

I am a minion of Satan, but my powers are mainly administrative.

Hail the un-alive
Cujo DeSockpuppet
2004-08-31 06:38:52 UTC
Post by A [Temporary] Dog
a red bull's eye on his forehead, ascended the altar of Fluffy and
Post by Lady Chatterly
Post by Bob Officer
Lady reply didn't show up for some reason.
I bet you are used to doing everything one-handed.
I've met The Tholenizer; the Tholenizer is a friend of mine, and you,
Lady Chatterly, are *no* Tholenizer.
ALL HALE TEH THOLENIZER!!!!!!1!!!!!1!!!!!
Eru Ilúvatar
2004-09-01 00:18:50 UTC
And this
Kind regards
So is your bitching, moron.
Mabon Dane
2004-08-30 05:50:52 UTC
I try not to be judgemental over other people's religious beliefs or
religions unless they come into conflict or cause distress to another
individual. I have looked at a few sites on Arcturian belief systems
from a search engine and feel that Arcturian has nothing to do with King
Arthur other than a play on the name and so you should not be posting
here. Good luck on your civil war.
2004-09-01 00:15:30 UTC
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Edmond Wollmann
In the land of the blind--any one-eyed man is king.
This shows how little you really think about blind people. The
blind wouldn't accept an imbecile such as you as a king, even if
you had both eyes.
Here's a no-eye'd old friend of mine that certainly would be king
before Edmo would:

Post by Bob Officer
Eddy still can't be king in any land... He is powerless to
create that reality.
He's just plain powerless.

Bob Officer
2004-09-01 00:29:41 UTC
Post by e***@no.spam
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Edmond Wollmann
In the land of the blind--any one-eyed man is king.
This shows how little you really think about blind people. The
blind wouldn't accept an imbecile such as you as a king, even if
you had both eyes.
Here's a no-eye'd old friend of mine that certainly would be king
This man is scheduled to speak at an event I am attending in November. I am
looking forward to his presentation. I don't think it will be boring.
Post by e***@no.spam
Post by Bob Officer
Eddy still can't be king in any land... He is powerless to
create that reality.
He's just plain powerless.
The only power is in his delusions.

Maybe someday he will convince himself that he ca fly.. and climb to a tall
building... and jump.
Dan Baldwin
2004-08-30 16:51:40 UTC
Post by Edmond Wollmann
Post by e***@no.spam
Post by Phoenix
That piece of crap has nothing to do with astrology, Eddy.
"I don't have to be on topic here" --Edmo
In the land of the blind--any one-eyed man is king.
In the land of the Edmo--any rich bitch deserves to have her scanner
Dan Baldwin, unethical *by design*

I am a minion of Satan, but my powers are mainly administrative.

Hail the un-alive
2004-08-31 23:48:51 UTC
Post by Edmond Wollmann
Post by e***@no.spam
Post by Phoenix
That piece of crap has nothing to do with astrology, Eddy.
"I don't have to be on topic here" --Edmo
In the land of the blind--any one-eyed man is king.
You aren't king and your plagiarized answer is hardly
relevant. Are you insane, Wollmann?

Bob Officer
2004-09-01 00:12:14 UTC
Post by e***@no.spam
Post by Edmond Wollmann
Post by e***@no.spam
Post by Phoenix
That piece of crap has nothing to do with astrology, Eddy.
"I don't have to be on topic here" --Edmo
In the land of the blind--any one-eyed man is king.
You aren't king and your plagiarized answer is hardly
relevant. Are you insane, Wollmann?
You Really Don't expect him to be honest?

Anyone that has seen him in this or any other group , knows by now Edmond
is a poor judge of anyone's sanity, let alone his own.
Lady Chatterly
2004-09-01 00:07:23 UTC
Post by Bob Officer
Anyone that has seen him in this or any other group , knows by now Edmond
is a poor judge of anyone's sanity, let alone his own.
You have all the sex appeal of a wet paper bag.
Wally Anglesea
2004-09-01 00:17:34 UTC
Post by Lady Chatterly
Post by Bob Officer
Anyone that has seen him in this or any other group , knows by now Edmond
is a poor judge of anyone's sanity, let alone his own.
You have all the sex appeal of a wet paper bag.
Your weird sexual proclivities are neither interesting nor do they negate
the truth of Bob's answer.
Bob Officer
2004-09-01 00:30:41 UTC
On Wed, 01 Sep 2004 00:17:34 GMT, in alt.astrology, "Wally Anglesea"
Post by Wally Anglesea
Post by Lady Chatterly
Post by Bob Officer
Anyone that has seen him in this or any other group , knows by now Edmond
is a poor judge of anyone's sanity, let alone his own.
You have all the sex appeal of a wet paper bag.
Your weird sexual proclivities are neither interesting nor do they negate
the truth of Bob's answer.
For some reason LC's Desire to have sex with a bag didn't show up on this
Wally Anglesea
2004-09-01 00:43:43 UTC
Post by Bob Officer
On Wed, 01 Sep 2004 00:17:34 GMT, in alt.astrology, "Wally Anglesea"
Post by Wally Anglesea
Post by Lady Chatterly
Post by Bob Officer
Anyone that has seen him in this or any other group , knows by now Edmond
is a poor judge of anyone's sanity, let alone his own.
You have all the sex appeal of a wet paper bag.
Your weird sexual proclivities are neither interesting nor do they negate
the truth of Bob's answer.
For some reason LC's Desire to have sex with a bag didn't show up on this
No, but it was a fun answer :-)
A [Temporary] Dog
2004-09-01 09:43:26 UTC
On Tue, 31 Aug 2004 17:30:41 -0700, Bob Officer
Post by Bob Officer
On Wed, 01 Sep 2004 00:17:34 GMT, in alt.astrology, "Wally Anglesea"
Post by Wally Anglesea
Post by Lady Chatterly
Post by Bob Officer
Anyone that has seen him in this or any other group , knows by now Edmond
is a poor judge of anyone's sanity, let alone his own.
You have all the sex appeal of a wet paper bag.
Your weird sexual proclivities are neither interesting nor do they negate
the truth of Bob's answer.
For some reason LC's Desire to have sex with a bag didn't show up on this
LC is a bot and SN may be filtering an open news server. Here's how
LC's path looks on RCN/Erols:


The right side of that looks like a preload to me.
- A (Temporary) Dog | Certified PSF / Virtual Kookhound
"Dog of Disinformation" | Guild Dog for the "We're *Not* Lost
The Domain is *erols dot com* | Damit" Tribe of Skeptics
The Name is tempdog | Official Compainion Animal of
Put together as ***@domain | the Black Ships
"One Small Step For A Paranormal, One Giant Leap For KookKind" - Cipher
2004-09-01 00:19:34 UTC
Post by Bob Officer
Post by e***@no.spam
You aren't king and your plagiarized answer is hardly
relevant. Are you insane, Wollmann?
You Really Don't expect him to be honest?
Mr. 4X
2004-08-20 22:31:21 UTC
Post by Edmond Wollmann
Post by Edmond Wollmann
This drawing is of the arms and armor of a German knight, made about
the period in 1500. Horses were as lavishly accoutred as their noble
As a part of the training that prepared them for knighthood, boys
learned to hunt with hawks and falcons. (Falcon in upper left).
Loading Image...
STFU spamming kook!
2004-08-20 23:17:44 UTC
Who are these people who have veered off into metaphysical cra... er, I mean

2004-08-20 23:24:26 UTC
Post by RodneyFFC
Who are these people who have veered off into metaphysical cra... er, I mean
And haven't we already been through this baloney?
Debra A. Kemp
House of Pendragon I: The Firebrand
2003 Dream Realm Award finalist
2004-08-29 01:37:38 UTC
Post by Edmond Wollmann
This drawing is of the arms and armor of a German knight
How many times are you going to post this off topic brag, Eddy?
2004-09-02 21:48:17 UTC
***@yahoo.com (Edmond Wollmann) wrote in message news:<***@posting.google.com>...

Ed, if you're going to post about medieval falconry, fine, but don't
cross-post it to alt. astrology.

You're dragging all the sci.skeptic assholes into
alt.legend.king-arthur. Since they decided to trash alt. astrology,
let the whining twits stay in that playpen.

And, unlike them, I like the illustration in the link you posted. Just
because the kids in here are ignorant doesn't mean everyone is.

By the way -- hi (Sarah).
Joseph Bartlo
2004-09-02 22:15:01 UTC
Off topic
Post by Sarah
Ed, if you're going to post about medieval falconry, fine, but don't
cross-post it to alt. astrology.
You're dragging all the sci.skeptic assholes into
alt.legend.king-arthur. Since they decided to trash alt. astrology,
let the whining twits stay in that playpen.
And, unlike them, I like the illustration in the link you posted. Just
because the kids in here are ignorant doesn't mean everyone is.
By the way -- hi (Sarah).
Cujo DeSockpuppet
2004-09-03 01:11:59 UTC
Joseph Bartlo <***@verizon.invalid.net> wrote in news:***@verizon.invalid.net:

Top poasting fucKKKhead.
Post by Joseph Bartlo
Off topic
Post by Sarah
Ed, if you're going to post about medieval falconry, fine, but don't
cross-post it to alt. astrology.
You're dragging all the sci.skeptic assholes into
alt.legend.king-arthur. Since they decided to trash alt. astrology,
let the whining twits stay in that playpen.
And, unlike them, I like the illustration in the link you posted.
Just because the kids in here are ignorant doesn't mean everyone is.
By the way -- hi (Sarah).
Larry Huntley
2004-09-03 05:31:39 UTC
Post by Sarah
Ed, if you're going to post about medieval falconry, fine, but don't
cross-post it to alt. astrology.
You're dragging all the sci.skeptic assholes into
alt.legend.king-arthur. Since they decided to trash alt. astrology,
let the whining twits stay in that playpen.
And, unlike them, I like the illustration in the link you posted. Just
because the kids in here are ignorant doesn't mean everyone is.
By the way -- hi (Sarah).
What you ask is entirely reasonable. Ed will ignore your request.

- L
Larry Huntley Beaverton, Oregon
Skep-Ti-Cult® Member #130-978649-969 http://www.skepticult.org/
"Skepticult subculture -- the dark underbelly of Usenet" (Jade_Dragon)
"Thomas Edison inventor of direct currant"

- Flagship1 of the Paranormal, 9 Sep 2003
Chris Krolczyk
2004-09-03 23:23:43 UTC
Post by Sarah
Ed, if you're going to post about medieval falconry, fine, but don't
cross-post it to alt. astrology.
You're dragging all the sci.skeptic assholes into
alt.legend.king-arthur. Since they decided to trash alt. astrology,
let the whining twits stay in that playpen.
sci.skeptic is responsible for Edmo ruining alt.astrology?

You *are* one to talk about "historical illiteracy", aren't you?
Post by Sarah
And, unlike them, I like the illustration in the link you posted. Just
because the kids in here are ignorant doesn't mean everyone is.
It's a shitty drawing. Period.

-Chris Krolczyk
2004-09-04 01:32:02 UTC
Post by Chris Krolczyk
Post by Sarah
Ed, if you're going to post about medieval falconry, fine, but don't
cross-post it to alt. astrology.
You're dragging all the sci.skeptic assholes into
alt.legend.king-arthur. Since they decided to trash alt. astrology,
let the whining twits stay in that playpen.
sci.skeptic is responsible for Edmo ruining alt.astrology?
You *are* one to talk about "historical illiteracy", aren't you?
Post by Sarah
And, unlike them, I like the illustration in the link you posted. Just
because the kids in here are ignorant doesn't mean everyone is.
It's a shitty drawing. Period.
Naw...you just have to view in context, as an unconsciously performed
phallic symbol pointing to natal Mars! See:
Loading Image...

What's more, by progressing the natal chart a year for a day, we find that
the lance does point exactly at progressed Mars ( a little short of 3
degrees Cancer) at about age 16 years and 8 months. Thus, May 12, 1955 + 16
yrs, 8 mos = January 1972 ....apparently Ed was a high school senior at the
time this drawing was performed.

{ No Charge}
Post by Chris Krolczyk
-Chris Krolczyk
Your Totally Self-Accredited Astro Adviser and Infallible Life Kounsilor
2004-09-02 21:51:18 UTC
Wrong -- that's a scan of an actual illustration of the period.
Then why is Wollmann claiming it as his own?
It'd be nice if you weren't quite so historically illiterate --
or just illiterate.
It be nice if you weren't such a whining bitch. But I guess
that would happen.