Doug Laidlaw
2005-10-07 17:51:59 UTC
Yesterday at the library, on top of a pile of DVDs, there was one
purporting to tell the Arturian legend from the point of view of three
There was Viviane, the Lady of the Lake; Morgause, the mother of Mordred,
and I have forgotten who the third one was. Perhaps it was Morgan le Fay,
but she seems to be a later addition, and appears in several European
legends as well. I don't think that it was Guinevere.
It sounds very much like a ladies' movie, but the very idea interested me.
I often wonder how really feminine the Vivianes and the like really were.
Morgause was totally (?) mortal, Arthur's half-sister. Perhaps the
incident described by T.H. White (the only complete Arthurian book I have
read) would not have happened if either had known of the relationship.
White suggests not only that if they had not slept together, there would
have been no Mordred, but the very fact of their doing so was a breach of
Divine law, a sin, and everything else was a punishment for it, although
neither knew that it was wrong.
purporting to tell the Arturian legend from the point of view of three
There was Viviane, the Lady of the Lake; Morgause, the mother of Mordred,
and I have forgotten who the third one was. Perhaps it was Morgan le Fay,
but she seems to be a later addition, and appears in several European
legends as well. I don't think that it was Guinevere.
It sounds very much like a ladies' movie, but the very idea interested me.
I often wonder how really feminine the Vivianes and the like really were.
Morgause was totally (?) mortal, Arthur's half-sister. Perhaps the
incident described by T.H. White (the only complete Arthurian book I have
read) would not have happened if either had known of the relationship.
White suggests not only that if they had not slept together, there would
have been no Mordred, but the very fact of their doing so was a breach of
Divine law, a sin, and everything else was a punishment for it, although
neither knew that it was wrong.
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I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.
- Thomas Jefferson.
Registered Linux User No. 277548. My true email address has hotkey for
I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.
- Thomas Jefferson.