Good Lord this movie looks HORRID!
(too old to reply)
David O'Brien
2004-07-05 09:11:35 UTC
I saw about ten seconds of the preview/ad for it and it featured some 'tough
chick' showing the boys how it was done. Good god, yet another tough chick
beating up men movie. I hope to hell this movie's either brilliant or
absolutely attrocious so it will pass us all by inoffensively rather than
having it's own cultural impact like the Lord Of The Rings movies did.

Dave Of Tasmania
2004-07-07 23:44:04 UTC
1. (off topic) "Dave Of Tasmania" - for some reason, this kills me, awesome,
onya mate!

2. What is the likelihood of a 'Guinevere' entity being a Pict, in this NG's
opinion? Do the movie makers have a leg to stand on?

3. Even if accepting the Pictish thing, what's up with the body paint rather
than tattooing? Are they just trying to suck in people who really dug it in
Braveheart, or what?

As a n00b, the whole Guinevere thing irritates me, between her negative
portrayal by MZB, to my relatively recent discovery that she probably was
fabricated by someone hundreds of years later, I have trouble giving a damn
about Kiera's performance in this role and wish they wouldn't waste my time

{sigh} i guess even if they knew everything that everybody in here knows,
they still may have been forced to make the film this way in order to secure
funding etc...I don't see me making a better movie ;)
Post by David O'Brien
I saw about ten seconds of the preview/ad for it and it featured some 'tough
chick' showing the boys how it was done. Good god, yet another tough chick
beating up men movie. I hope to hell this movie's either brilliant or
absolutely attrocious so it will pass us all by inoffensively rather than
having it's own cultural impact like the Lord Of The Rings movies did.
Dave Of Tasmania
2004-07-07 23:57:21 UTC
Martymonster wrote:

<< 2. What is the likelihood of a 'Guinevere' entity being a Pict, in this NG's
opinion? Do the movie makers have a leg to stand on? >>

IIRC, Norma Lorre Goodrich made a case for a Pictish Guinevere in her series of
"historical" Aurthur books. Her theories have received a great deal of scorn.

Heather Rose Jones
2004-07-08 03:44:54 UTC
Post by martymonster
3. Even if accepting the Pictish thing, what's up with the body paint rather
than tattooing? Are they just trying to suck in people who really dug it in
Braveheart, or what?
The earliest Latin descriptions of the practice use the
adjective "pictus" which tends to have "painted" as its
default meaning. The description in Pliny's Natural History
points even more strongly in this direction, where he notes:

"In Gaul there is a plant like the plantain, called glastum;
with it the wives of the Britons, and their daughter-in-law,
stain [oblitae] all the body, and at certain religious
ceremonies march along naked, with a colour resembling that
of Ethiopians."

When I was looking into early literary mentions of woad and
either Britons or Picts, the earliest description I could
find that seemed to start leaning towards the "tatoo"
implication was IIRC Isidore of Seville, well after the
Classical period.

This isn't to say that the use of paint in the movie wasn't
perhaps more directly inspired by Braveheart, of course!

**Please Note New E-ddress**
Heather Rose Jones ***@earthlink.net
Malcolm Martin
2004-07-08 07:53:49 UTC
On Wed, 7 Jul 2004 19:44:04 -0400, "martymonster"
Post by martymonster
2. What is the likelihood of a 'Guinevere' entity being a Pict, in this NG's
opinion? Do the movie makers have a leg to stand on?
Which Guinevere? 1, 2 or 3?

a) I do not have the Triads to hand, but are there any clues as to the
possible racial antecedents of these Three from the names of the fathers
listed there?

b) If there was a historical entity behind the main Guinevere of the
legends, then the concept of her being a Pict (with sovreignty being
transmitted through the female line) might be behind the greater importance
to the characters of the recurring 'abduction/return' theme in the corpus -
eg Melgas, Lancelot, Mordred
2004-07-09 09:10:53 UTC
Post by Malcolm Martin
a) I do not have the Triads to hand, but are there any clues as to the
possible racial antecedents of these Three from the names of the fathers
listed there?
Ogrfan Gawr ('the Giant') seems to have been Gwenhwyfar's father in
medieval Welsh tradition and he is located in Wales according to
various bits of topographic folklore (dating back to the

Tom Green
Malcolm Martin
2004-07-11 15:27:14 UTC
Post by Malcolm Martin
On Wed, 7 Jul 2004 19:44:04 -0400, "martymonster"
Post by martymonster
2. What is the likelihood of a 'Guinevere' entity being a Pict, in this NG's
opinion? Do the movie makers have a leg to stand on?
Which Guinevere? 1, 2 or 3?
a) I do not have the Triads to hand, but are there any clues as to the
possible racial antecedents of these Three from the names of the fathers
listed there?
"Three Great Queens of Arthur: Gwenhwyfar daughter of Cywryd Gwent, and
Gwenhwyfar daughter of Gwythyr son of Greidiol, and Gwenhwyfar daughter of
Gogfran the giant."

for Cywryd Gwent, Bartrum 'A Welsh Classical Dictionary' has "See TYP
p.325 for a discussion on the proper form of the name" In the light of the
other thread here on the lack of availability of TYP, is anybody able to
help with the relevant TYP quote or information?

for Gwythyr son of Greidiol, Bartrum has (Legendary), with reference to him
(and the basis of his story) from Culhwch & Olwen and a genealogy in
Bartrum's Early Welsh Genealogical Tracts at p 89 [ByA $22].

Tom Green has dealt in another post with Gogran (or Ogfran) Gawr, with
Bartrum seeming to have two prime candidates for his 'home' at at Knucklas
Castle near Knighton, and Aberysgyr in Brycheiniog, amongst other

Thus far probably not much likelihood of a Pictish ancestry for Guinevere.

But, from the French Romances there is an alternative father: Leodegan
(Malory's Leodegrance) of Carmelide [alt Tamelide], who also gave rise to
the False Guinevere whose (supposed) father is Leodegan's Steward,

(from http://www.lib.rochester.edu/camelot/TEAMS/mertame.htm)

"Hit fill on a nyght that the Kynge Leodogan lay by the quene, and that
nyght upon hir he begat a doughter that was cleped Gonnore whan she was
baptised, the whiche after was of merveilouse bewté and the wif of Kynge
Arthur. And this lady that was wif to Kynge Leodogan was a goode lady and
holy of livinge and hadde an usage to arise on nyghtes and go to chirche to
sey Matyns and to heere all servyse to messe.

"That nyght that the quene hadde conceyved Gonnore her doughter, she yede
to Matyns and com by the stiwardes wif and fonde her slepynge and wolde not
her awake; but wente and lefte her lyinge aslepe, and wente forth alone to
the cherche that was faste by, with hir sawter in her hande. And the kynge,
that longe hadde desired to speke with that lady, arose as soone as the
quene was gon, and dide oute the taperes that were brennynge and than wente
to ly by the stiwardes wif.

"And whan the lady felte oon lyinge by her, she asked what he was, all
affraied; and than he ansuerde how it was he, and bad hir be stille, and
seide yef she made eny noyse she sholde be deed. The lady her deffended
inowgh as with speche, but she durste not crye ne make no noyse; but litill
availed her defense for the kynge by hir lay; and on hir he gat a doughter,
the same nyght that he hadde geten Gonnore on his wif.

"And whan the quene was delyvered, ther was founde upon the childes reynes
a litill crosse like a crowne for a kynge; and as soone as the quene was
delyvered, the stiwardes wif began to traveyle, and hadde a doughter of
feire bewté, and [she] was so like the quene's doughter that oon cowde not
knowe oon from an-other but by the crosse upon her reynes. And eche of hem
hight Gonnere in bapteme; "

The story is continued in:


"A ..........plot is being formed against Gonnore, this one involving
Gonnore's half-sister, the false Gonnore, who is the illegitimate daughter
of Leodegan and the wife of Cleodalis (Leodegan's seneschal). Because
Leodegan has dishonored his seneschal by sleeping with his wife, he has
many enemies among Cleodalis's friends and kin who are eager for a chance
to get back at him. Unbeknownst to Cleodalis, a group of them plan to
kidnap Gonnore and put the false Gonnore in her place. "

Leodegan's enemy is Ryon "King of Ireland". Darrah in "Paganism in
Arthurian Romance" p 222 suggests Leodegan is "a personage with Welsh
antecedents as Ocuran [Ogfran?] Gawr, and that Carmelide is to be located
in South/SouthWest Wales with 'Ireland' effectively being understood as the
South West Wales area, where the Irish presence is well attested.

Even if the French Romances do have a basis in fact (a matter well open to
question) I wouldn't necessarily hold to this identification, with the
possibility of Ryon coming more from the North of Wales. But it would seem
to suggest that Leodegan is more likely to be of Welsh than Pictish

Kind regards

Malcolm Martin
London, UK
2004-07-12 10:39:33 UTC
Post by Malcolm Martin
for Cywryd Gwent, Bartrum 'A Welsh Classical Dictionary' has "See TYP
p.325 for a discussion on the proper form of the name" In the light of the
other thread here on the lack of availability of TYP, is anybody able to
help with the relevant TYP quote or information?
for Gwythyr son of Greidiol, Bartrum has (Legendary), with reference to him
(and the basis of his story) from Culhwch & Olwen and a genealogy in
Bartrum's Early Welsh Genealogical Tracts at p 89 [ByA $22].
Tom Green has dealt in another post with Gogran (or Ogfran) Gawr, with
Bartrum seeming to have two prime candidates for his 'home' at at Knucklas
Castle near Knighton, and Aberysgyr in Brycheiniog, amongst other
I don't have a copy of TYP to hand (my library is in boxes - moving
house!) but with regards to the relative merits of all the candidates,
Bromwich seems (IIRC) to strongly favour Ogfran Gawr as the 'true'
father of Gwenhwyfar - certainly other Welsh sources seem to confirm
this e.g. Dafydd ap Gwilym, the Bruts etc.

Of course, there is one other possibility for where Gwenhwyfar comes
from - the Celtic Otherworld. Patrick Ford ('On the significance of
some Arthurian names in Welsh' in _Bulletin of the Board of Celtic
Studies_ XXX, 1983, pp.268-73) considers Gwenhwyfar (='white/holy
fairy/enchantress') just one of several possession that Arthur won
from the Otherworld, perhaps in a tale similar to that underlying
Ymddiddan Melwas ac Gwenhwyfar and the Vita Gildae... :-)


Tom Green
2004-07-12 12:14:00 UTC
Post by Hrothgar
Post by Malcolm Martin
for Cywryd Gwent, Bartrum 'A Welsh Classical Dictionary' has "See TYP
p.325 for a discussion on the proper form of the name" In the light of the
other thread here on the lack of availability of TYP, is anybody able to
help with the relevant TYP quote or information?
for Gwythyr son of Greidiol, Bartrum has (Legendary), with reference to him
(and the basis of his story) from Culhwch & Olwen and a genealogy in
Bartrum's Early Welsh Genealogical Tracts at p 89 [ByA $22].
Tom Green has dealt in another post with Gogran (or Ogfran) Gawr, with
Bartrum seeming to have two prime candidates for his 'home' at at Knucklas
Castle near Knighton, and Aberysgyr in Brycheiniog, amongst other
I don't have a copy of TYP to hand (my library is in boxes - moving
house!) but with regards to the relative merits of all the candidates,
Bromwich seems (IIRC) to strongly favour Ogfran Gawr as the 'true'
father of Gwenhwyfar - certainly other Welsh sources seem to confirm
this e.g. Dafydd ap Gwilym, the Bruts etc.
Of course, there is one other possibility for where Gwenhwyfar comes
from - the Celtic Otherworld. Patrick Ford ('On the significance of
some Arthurian names in Welsh' in _Bulletin of the Board of Celtic
Studies_ XXX, 1983, pp.268-73) considers Gwenhwyfar (='white/holy
fairy/enchantress') just one of several possession that Arthur won
from the Otherworld, perhaps in a tale similar to that underlying
Ymddiddan Melwas ac Gwenhwyfar and the Vita Gildae... :-)
Scholarly arguments aside, the film <movie> is appallingly bad. Think
of the Magnificent 7 remade in the 5th century, add in a couple of
people who shout very loudly, a bit of smoke, some snow and lots of
dark and meaningful looks to camera with many loose ends and "why did
they do thats?" and you about have it. Oh, and Clive Owen (Arthur) is
out acted by his horse - or was it his saddle?.
2004-07-12 15:37:34 UTC
Dear Friends,

I disagree. I saw the movie yesterday. As I watched, I realized that I had no
right to criticize another writer's _interpretation_ of the legend. After all,
did not Nennius say that he had "made one heap all he'd found" from a jumble of
materials? And have not writers and scholars been doing the same thing ever
since? Trying to make sense of Arthur from their point of view?

I found the movie's premise was no more outlandish than some Arthurian
_fiction_ I've read over the years. Kenneally's space opera comes to mind, and
Lawhead drawing Atlantis into the legend. And some has made Lancelot a
vampire. Personally, not my cuppa. But that diversity shows the beauty of the
legend-for me, at least. It's open to interpretation.

True, historically there was much to criticize. I leave that to the scholars.
However, I do not go to the movies for a history lesson. I have scores of
books at home for that. I go to the movies for entertainment. And with KING
ARTHUR, I was entertained.

I actually liked the appearance of Germanus and the Pelagius references.
Dagonet, Tristan and Lancelot reminded me of how we're all influenced by Malory
and the medieval traditions, whether we admit it or not. Bors was a pure
treat! I wish Gawain had been utilised more, though. (I'm partial to that
Orkney faction in my own fiction.) But I think that's my writer's persona
saying, "I would have written it different." (And I do.)

Over all, KING ARTHUR is good _entertainment_; there are certainly far worse
ways to spend a summer afternoon. Bors alone is worth the matinee price.

It all depends on your expectations, I guess.

Have a great day, all.

Debra A. Kemp
House of Pendragon I: The Firebrand
2003 Dream Realm Award finalist
2004-07-12 23:54:26 UTC
I also saw it yesterday, and if viewing it purely as just the latest King
Arthur movie, I found it to be pretty entertaining. And I'm even going to go
out on a limb and say that on the whole, I liked Clive Owen in it - not
saying he's anything spectacular, some lines were delivered exceptionally
poorly, but ~most~ of the time i felt he done good.

IMO, it's the best Arthurian movie yet, which i feel should be taken as a
sign of how bad past ones have been.

This movie has a staggaring array of ... issues.
It doesn't seem to be consistent even within it's own framework.
There are many dead ends in the plot...and some items are introduced in
wholly unanticipated (almost nonsensical to my newbie mind) ways.
A number of things are not explained clearly, leaving you mystified later
when resultant issues arise.
Characters say contradictory things.
The special effects and blue screen stuff are quite obvious at times.

I'd be interested to discuss some particular examples, particularly with
Debra being an author, but am afraid it's too early ... do we have spoiler
rules here?

-martorius ;)
Post by FerchArthur
Dear Friends,
I disagree. I saw the movie yesterday. As I watched, I realized that I had no
right to criticize another writer's _interpretation_ of the legend. After all,
did not Nennius say that he had "made one heap all he'd found" from a jumble of
materials? And have not writers and scholars been doing the same thing ever
since? Trying to make sense of Arthur from their point of view?
I found the movie's premise was no more outlandish than some Arthurian
_fiction_ I've read over the years. Kenneally's space opera comes to mind, and
Lawhead drawing Atlantis into the legend. And some has made Lancelot a
vampire. Personally, not my cuppa. But that diversity shows the beauty of the
legend-for me, at least. It's open to interpretation.
True, historically there was much to criticize. I leave that to the scholars.
However, I do not go to the movies for a history lesson. I have scores of
books at home for that. I go to the movies for entertainment. And with KING
ARTHUR, I was entertained.
I actually liked the appearance of Germanus and the Pelagius references.
Dagonet, Tristan and Lancelot reminded me of how we're all influenced by Malory
and the medieval traditions, whether we admit it or not. Bors was a pure
treat! I wish Gawain had been utilised more, though. (I'm partial to that
Orkney faction in my own fiction.) But I think that's my writer's persona
saying, "I would have written it different." (And I do.)
Over all, KING ARTHUR is good _entertainment_; there are certainly far worse
ways to spend a summer afternoon. Bors alone is worth the matinee price.
It all depends on your expectations, I guess.
Have a great day, all.
Debra A. Kemp
House of Pendragon I: The Firebrand
2003 Dream Realm Award finalist
2004-07-13 00:49:56 UTC
Post by martymonster
I'd be interested to discuss some particular examples, particularly with
Debra being an author, but am afraid it's too early ... do we have spoiler
rules here?
-martorius ;)
Feel free to contact me off-list. I'd be happy to speak with you.

Debra A. Kemp
House of Pendragon I: The Firebrand
2003 Dream Realm Award finalist
John Adcox
2004-07-13 03:35:36 UTC
Can we just put spoiler warnings in the headings? i'd love to follow the


John Adcox

Click below for Mythology, Philosophy, Literature, Writing References and more.
2004-07-14 03:12:39 UTC
oh man, i should have known this would be the case. we already started
discussing it.
Post by John Adcox
Can we just put spoiler warnings in the headings? i'd love to follow the
John Adcox
Click below for Mythology, Philosophy, Literature, Writing References and more.
2004-07-13 12:42:27 UTC
martymonster <***@comcastignorethispart.net> wrote:
: I'd be interested to discuss some particular examples, particularly with
: Debra being an author, but am afraid it's too early ... do we have spoiler
: rules here?

It amuses me to think a work based on historical theory and medieval
romances still has spoilers.

Paul Gadzikowski, ***@iglou.com since 1995
http://www.arthurkingoftimeandspace.com New cartoons daily.

There's talk of delaying the presidential election to keep terrorists from
disrupting the democratic process. Words fail me.
2004-07-14 03:15:44 UTC
Lol - I know...

But, I'm new around here, so I figured better safe than sorry. ;)
It amuses me to think a work based on historical theory and medieval
romances still has spoilers.
2004-07-13 07:44:49 UTC

Nice one! I haven't seen the film yet (being in the UK, we don't get
it till the 30th July), but I'm looking forward to being entertained.
I shall doubtless be coughing just a little at the historical
inaccuracies (some of the arms and armour looks very dodgy ...) but if
I'm entertained - and the film getting stuff wrong is entertaining in
itself - I'll be able to forgive a huge amount of rubbish.

As a late Roman re-enactor, I shall probably be cursing the film when
people come up at an event and say 'but it wasn't like what I saw in
the film,' for the umpteenth time. But what the heck, at least it will
have fostered renewed interest in the subject.

Also looking forward to Keira Knightly giving the lads a run for their
money :)
Post by FerchArthur
Dear Friends,
I disagree. I saw the movie yesterday. As I watched, I realized that I had no
right to criticize another writer's _interpretation_ of the legend. After all,
did not Nennius say that he had "made one heap all he'd found" from a jumble of
materials? And have not writers and scholars been doing the same thing ever
since? Trying to make sense of Arthur from their point of view?
I found the movie's premise was no more outlandish than some Arthurian
_fiction_ I've read over the years. Kenneally's space opera comes to mind, and
Lawhead drawing Atlantis into the legend. And some has made Lancelot a
vampire. Personally, not my cuppa. But that diversity shows the beauty of the
legend-for me, at least. It's open to interpretation.
True, historically there was much to criticize. I leave that to the scholars.
However, I do not go to the movies for a history lesson. I have scores of
books at home for that. I go to the movies for entertainment. And with KING
ARTHUR, I was entertained.
I actually liked the appearance of Germanus and the Pelagius references.
Dagonet, Tristan and Lancelot reminded me of how we're all influenced by Malory
and the medieval traditions, whether we admit it or not. Bors was a pure
treat! I wish Gawain had been utilised more, though. (I'm partial to that
Orkney faction in my own fiction.) But I think that's my writer's persona
saying, "I would have written it different." (And I do.)
Over all, KING ARTHUR is good _entertainment_; there are certainly far worse
ways to spend a summer afternoon. Bors alone is worth the matinee price.
It all depends on your expectations, I guess.
2004-07-13 10:49:46 UTC
Post by FerchArthur
Dear Friends,
After all,
did not Nennius say that he had "made one heap all he'd found" from a jumble of
Well, yeah, but he was being liberal with the truth, as his account is
carefully structured, selected and composed (and Nennius probably
didn't write the Historia Brittonum...see Dumville) :-) :-)
Post by FerchArthur
And have not writers and scholars been doing the same thing ever
since? Trying to make sense of Arthur from their point of view?
Very true - the legend constantly evolves and changes. Even the
Arthur of Pa gur is very different to the Arthur of Culhwch.


Tom Green
2004-07-14 03:11:07 UTC
Post by Hrothgar
Post by FerchArthur
After all,
did not Nennius say that he had "made one heap all he'd found" from a jumble of
Well, yeah, but he was being liberal with the truth, as his account is
carefully structured, selected and composed (and Nennius probably
didn't write the Historia Brittonum...see Dumville) :-) :-)
What an unfortunate name.

Anyway - I looked up Dumville on Amazon, 18 results. Which particular
publication do you recommend? Some of them look rather interesting I must

Is there any prevailing opinion of fellow, don't want to get into it only to
find out he's actually Erich von Daniken or something...
2004-07-14 10:00:35 UTC
A reply to martymonster (message not on Google yet so posting reply
Post by martymonster
Post by Hrothgar
Post by FerchArthur
After all,
did not Nennius say that he had "made one heap all he'd found"
Post by martymonster
Post by Hrothgar
Post by FerchArthur
a jumble of
Well, yeah, but he was being liberal with the truth, as his account is
carefully structured, selected and composed (and Nennius probably
didn't write the Historia Brittonum...see Dumville) :-) :-)
What an unfortunate name.
Anyway - I looked up Dumville on Amazon, 18 results. Which particular
publication do you recommend? Some of them look rather interesting I
Post by martymonster
Is there any prevailing opinion of fellow, don't want to get into it
only to
Post by martymonster
find out he's actually Erich von Daniken or something...
With regards to Professor Dumville, he is generally acknowledged as
the leading authority in the world when it comes to the Historia
Brittonum and the Annales Cambriae - so, no, not a Von Daniken! (He is
Professor of Palaeography and Cultural History at Cambridge
University) With regards to publications, many of his key works are
cited (with discussion) at

On Nennius *not* being the author of the Historia Brittonum, see his
'Nennius and the Historia Brittonum' in the journal _Studia Celtica_
10/11 (1975-6), pp.78-95. Other key works are 'Sub-Roman Britain:
History and Legend' in the journal _History_ 62 (1977), pp.173-92 (one
of the crucial articles for anyone interested in whether or not Arthur
existed - it is essentially a demolition of the Leslie Alcock / John
Morris school of post-Roman history) and, especially on the Historia,
'The Historical Value of the Historia Brittonum' in the journal
_Arthurian Literature_ 6 (1986), pp.1-26. I believe that all these
are collected together in his _Histories and Pseudo-Histories of the
Insular Middle Ages_ (Aldershot, 1990). If you *really* want to
follow this up, he has also written a masterful article called
'Historia Brittonum: an Insular History from the Carolingian Age' in
A. Scharer and G. Scheibelreiter (edd.) _Historiographie im frühen
Mittelalter_ (Wien/München, 1994) pp.406-34, which goes into far more
detail (and, of course, he is editing a new standard edition of the
Historia Brittonum, see _Historia Brittonum: iii. The Vatican
Recension_ (Cambridge, 1985)).

Sorry for the information overload - hope this makes up for missing
out the bibliographic details in my previous posting :-)

Tom Green

Malcolm Martin
2004-07-12 17:44:32 UTC
Post by Hrothgar
I don't have a copy of TYP to hand (my library is in boxes - moving
house!) but with regards to the relative merits of all the candidates,
Bromwich seems (IIRC) to strongly favour Ogfran Gawr as the 'true'
father of Gwenhwyfar - certainly other Welsh sources seem to confirm
this e.g. Dafydd ap Gwilym, the Bruts etc.
Would that be the same as the father of the 'true' (or 'main' if you
prefer) Guinevere? Or is Bromwich saying that there was only one Guinevere
with a 'true' father (whether historical or legendary), with the other 2
being later additions or a tripling of that one?
Post by Hrothgar
Of course, there is one other possibility for where Gwenhwyfar comes
from - the Celtic Otherworld. Patrick Ford ('On the significance of
some Arthurian names in Welsh' in _Bulletin of the Board of Celtic
Studies_ XXX, 1983, pp.268-73) considers Gwenhwyfar (='white/holy
fairy/enchantress') just one of several possession that Arthur won
from the Otherworld, perhaps in a tale similar to that underlying
Ymddiddan Melwas ac Gwenhwyfar and the Vita Gildae... :-)
Of course. Now why didn't I think of that? Which would also rule out a
Pictish descent.

Mind you, with the lack of evidence of the historicity of characters in
post-Roman Britain, the Otherworld must have become quite depopulated in
that era!!
Post by Hrothgar
Didn't realise you were buying, so maybe a jar of mead some time? (Unless
you also are of the Otherworld - in which case I have been warned about
accepting such drink.............)

Kind regards

Malcolm Martin
London, UK
2004-07-13 08:50:54 UTC
Post by Malcolm Martin
Would that be the same as the father of the 'true' (or 'main' if you
prefer) Guinevere? Or is Bromwich saying that there was only one Guinevere
with a 'true' father (whether historical or legendary), with the other 2
being later additions or a tripling of that one?
The latter I believe, though I'd have to check TYP to be 100% sure.
Post by Malcolm Martin
Post by Hrothgar
Of course, there is one other possibility for where Gwenhwyfar comes
from - the Celtic Otherworld.
Of course. Now why didn't I think of that? Which would also rule out a
Pictish descent.
Mind you, with the lack of evidence of the historicity of characters in
post-Roman Britain, the Otherworld must have become quite depopulated in
that era!!
Post by Malcolm Martin
Post by Hrothgar
Didn't realise you were buying, so maybe a jar of mead some time? (Unless
you also are of the Otherworld - in which case I have been warned about
accepting such drink.............)
I think that only counts if you get lured into a hillside or a magical
palace, so if you avoid that...

Cheers (mines a pint of Tom Woods),

Tom Green