2004-07-22 02:43:46 UTC
Don't know why it just dawned on me, but LOTR is simply King Arthur
legend redone. So obvious to me me now.
King Arthur; Aragorn
Merlin; Gandalf
Lancelot; Legolis
Gawain; Gimli
Galahad; Frodo
Percevel; Sam
Sir Tristin; Merry
Sir Bors; Pippin
Sir Kay; Boramir
Guinevere; Arwen
Lady of the Lake; Galadriel
Sauron; Mordred or masculane version of Morgan Le Fey
Saruman; Mordred
even down to the swords; Excaliber; Anduril and/or Sting
Other characters have semi-parralells, such as Theodin (a more vigorous
version of the Fisher King, or are re-done main characters, Eomyr (also
a Lancelot figure), Faramir (another Gawain), Eowyn (another Guinevere,
or the more sympathetic version of Morgaine).
And of course the ring stands in for the Grail.
Just my observation. I'm sure others can add to this as well.
legend redone. So obvious to me me now.
King Arthur; Aragorn
Merlin; Gandalf
Lancelot; Legolis
Gawain; Gimli
Galahad; Frodo
Percevel; Sam
Sir Tristin; Merry
Sir Bors; Pippin
Sir Kay; Boramir
Guinevere; Arwen
Lady of the Lake; Galadriel
Sauron; Mordred or masculane version of Morgan Le Fey
Saruman; Mordred
even down to the swords; Excaliber; Anduril and/or Sting
Other characters have semi-parralells, such as Theodin (a more vigorous
version of the Fisher King, or are re-done main characters, Eomyr (also
a Lancelot figure), Faramir (another Gawain), Eowyn (another Guinevere,
or the more sympathetic version of Morgaine).
And of course the ring stands in for the Grail.
Just my observation. I'm sure others can add to this as well.