2006-03-22 16:53:38 UTC
There are multiple scenes in Arthurian literature, particularly Malory,
where knights will love up to each other, including multiple
misunderstandings that result in some knights actually rubbing up on each
other in bed.
One passage that comes to mind is when Lancelot and Tristram discover they
are fighting one another, and "the two gentlemen kissed each other all over,
and either loved other from head to toe." Somewhere between the head and the
toe comes the penis.
Is there a homosexual undercurrent among gentlemen knights? Or was this sort
of behavior normal at the time?
where knights will love up to each other, including multiple
misunderstandings that result in some knights actually rubbing up on each
other in bed.
One passage that comes to mind is when Lancelot and Tristram discover they
are fighting one another, and "the two gentlemen kissed each other all over,
and either loved other from head to toe." Somewhere between the head and the
toe comes the penis.
Is there a homosexual undercurrent among gentlemen knights? Or was this sort
of behavior normal at the time?